Layman Report (versión español)
Layman Report (versión inglés)
Project Final Technical Report
Fact sheet nº 1. Agriculture and climate change
Fact sheet nº 2. Sustainable farming techniques mitigation of climate change. Conservation Agriculture
Fact sheet nº 3. Sustainable farming techniques mitigation of climate change. Precision agriculture
Fact sheet nº 4. Specific machinery for Conservation Agriculture. Direct seeders
Fact sheet nº 5. Implementation of crops under conservation and precision agriculture. Experiences of the project LIFE+AGRICARBON
Soil organic carbon fractions under conventional and no-till management in a long-term study in southern Spain
Meta-analysis on atmospheric carbón capture in Spain through the use of Conservation Agriculture
A renewed view of Conservation Agriculture and its evolution over the last decade in Spain
Fact sheet: Making sustainable agricultura real in cap 2020
Web: European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF)
Soil management systems and short term CO2 emissions in a clayey soil in southern Spain
Influence of soil and climate conditions on CO2 emissions from agricultural soils
Sustainable agriculture in the carbon arithmetics. Project LIFE+AGRICARBON
Meta-analysis on atmospheric carbon capture in Spain through the use of conservation agriculture